Thursday, January 24, 2019

Blog 10. Episodes 11 & 12. A New Day & That's Got His Own.

"You play in dirt, you get dirty"—McNulty.
A New Day.  Story by David Simon and Ed Burns.  Teleplay by Ed Burns. 
Directed by Brad Anderson.  First Aired 26 November 2006.

Carcetti faces a dilemma over a complaint from the minister against Herc. Carcetti galvanizes other departments into action with non-specific complaints. Randy faces bullying from his school mates after he is exposed as an informant. Omar tricks Proposition Joe into giving away the timing of his next shipment. Freamon is tempted back to Major Crimes by Daniels and has a revelation regarding the hiding place of the missing bodies. (

"That's all there is to it?"—Bubbles.
That's Got His Own.  Story by Ed Burns and George Pelecanos.  Teleplay by George Pelecanos.
Directed by Joe Chappelle.  First Aired 3 December 2006.

Prez is rankled by Dukie's social promotion to high school after having become close to him. Omar orchestrates the theft of the Co-Op's shipment. Michael trains as an enforcer in the Stanfield Organization and violently alienates Cutty and Namond. Randy is kept home for his own protection but an arson attack on his home leaves his foster mother horribly burned. Herc is suspended for his loss of the camera. Freamon's discovery of bodies in vacant houses damages the homicide unit's annual clearance rate. Daniels realizes the statistics can be blamed on Royce so Carcetti approves a city wide search. Carcetti faces a massive school budget deficit and is forced to go to the governor for assistance. Bubbles prepares a lethal vial of narcotics for his tormentor but Sherrod takes it unwittingly and dies. (

Lester finds a nail and knows there are bodies wherever this type of nail is found.

"I can't go home"
"You gonna help, huh?  You gonna look out for me?"
We're this close to the end of the season, and the loose ends that have flopped in the previous episodes are getting tied together, often to tragic results.

1. Carcetti does indeed want to do good: but there's that $54 million school deficit that no one will be made responsible for...
2. Daniels wants to give Herc a slap on the wrist; the ministers want him fired. For Carcetti this is a shit eating moment: keep Herc, he angers the influential black leaders, fire Herc, and the rank-and-file in the police—the guys on the street—hate him.
3. Lex—who was killed in the first episode of the season for having killed Fruit—is found in one of the row houses. Lester now knows where the bodies are that came with Marlo's taking over "half of West Baltimore"—but Landsman does not want him unearthing bodies which will upset their almost 50% clearance rate. The stat is still king.
4. The special class is being shut down—unless Bunny can convince City Hall that it is worth saving. In the meantime the kids in it are studying for the test which will only send most of them back to the corners. And there are the kids like little Albert who has found his mother dead—and still has come to school.
5. Over in Prez's room, there is real learning going on, and now his class is sounding a little like the special class, as the class wants to talk about intimacy.
6. Prop Joe, bowing to the power of Omar's big honking gun, has agreed to lead Omar to Marlo's package—which Omar, Renaldo, old friend Kimmy, and a couple of Renaldo's friends proceed to steal.
7. Michael is actively being trained in the way of enforcing by Snoop and Chris; and he is a fast learner, as Snoop observes.
8. Namond doesn't have it in him to punish his own soldier, Kenard, for stealing the missing dope. However, Michael does.
9. Randy is now branded by almost everyone as a snitch, afraid to go back to school, and watched over by an unmarked cruiser, and Carver as well. However, there are others watching him as well, who phone in a bogus 911 call and then firebomb Miss Anna's house. 
10. Prez kicks himself for having trusted the police—Herc in particular. He now sides with "his kids" rather than the police and his old friends.  Herc is visited by Internal Affairs, not for his brutal policing, but for the missing camera and fake informant. 
11. Duquan has been promoted to high school; he is not happy with the news.  His family is evicted and he stays with Michael and Bug, who have their own place now. 
12. Bubbles, in trying to kill his tormentor The Fiend, accidentally provides the poisoned dope that kills Sherrod.


1. Speaking of Bubbles, here's him finding Sherrod.
2. Here is De'Londa telling Namond to man-up and beat Kenard.
3. Here is Michael beating Kenard.
4. Here is Michael waling on Namond.  
5. Here is Namond breaking down to Carver and Cutty.
6. And finally, Cutty, apologizing to Michael and getting shot. "Go with your own people."

So what I'd like you to write about:

1. Something we have not talked about at all, and I'd like to before we finish our discussion of the season, is Bubbles. He has been a regular on the show since its beginning, first as a snitch for a Kima, then an out-and-out junkie who does whatever he has to—steal in particular—to get his high. He still gets high, true, but there's more to him now, I think. How would you characterize Bubbles? A word or phrase, and why? And—what do you see his role is on the show? Why spend so much time on a character whose story line doesn't advance any of the major plot lines—a person, in the reality of the store, whose life is barely above the level of those three junkies we saw buying from Bodie way back? Why might Simon have put him in such a central role in this season? Write several sentences.

2. Donnelly tells Prez that he cannot be a parent to Duquan. There will be many more Duquans for him to work with in the coming years. That is a very un-Paideia thing to say, don't you think? Why would she tell him this? Is this good advice?

3.  Today we were talking about the scene where Namond bullies Duquan (something Namond has been doing since the first episode), then Michael steps in and begins beating Namond: if anything, we are seeing this tight group of friends come apart.  But the question we never answered in class was "why"?  Hannah said this didn't make sense.  Layton, Jack, and Hunter all commented that Namond's tears somehow seem disconnected from Michael's blows.  And Duquan seems more annoyed than hurt by Namond's words—Duquan seems so used to the indignities he's had to suffer, even when he's lost another home due to his parents eviction.  My question:  look specifically at the above clips 2, 3, 4, and 5.  Why is Namond bullying his friend?  Why does Michael react so violently?  What is Namond crying about?

4. Finally: tomorrow we finish the season. What to you is the best case scenario for each of the boys—what would be the realistic best case scenario ending for Duquan, Randy, Michael, and Namond?

Just for fun: Dominic West and not McNulty.

And Aidan Gillen, not Carcetti.
See you tomorrow.


  1. 1. I would characterize Bubbles as kind. He takes good care of Sherrod, he assists Kima by being a snitch, and he tries his best to help Herc even though he doesn’t end up getting anything out of it. He does try to kill his tormentor but he has a motive so I think this makes him kinder than other characters on the show. This is more out of self defense and revenge than just to get rid of the man. Bubbles obviously hates him for beating him up and stealing from him but I don’t think he wants to kill the man just for the heck of it. And in this show, that is a form of kindness that most of the characters don’t have. I think Bubbles is such a central character in this show because his presence shows the effect other characters have on people outside the game. For example, his partnership with Herc shows Herc’s incompetence. And when Bubbles tells Sherrod to leave, Sherrod gets involved with the corner boys. I think Bubbles exists to show us what an insignificant person in east Baltimore looks like.
    2. I think this is generally good advice but I don’t think it will work for Prez. Donnelly says this to encourage these teachers not to get too attached to their students because more will come behind them. But I think forming a connection with Dukie and the rest of his students has worked really well for Prez. So I agree that he can’t be a parent to all of his students but I think it’s okay for him to help one kid who doesn’t have anybody else.
    3. I think Namond bullies Dukie because that’s how it’s always been. He was just yelled at by his mom, he didn’t feel safe going back home, and he probably felt pretty bad for himself. So I think he picks on Dukie because that’s what he’s used to and what he’s comfortable with. I think Michael is so violent because of his training with Snoop and Chris. They have been teaching him how to be a hitman and I think that has brought out a violence in Michael that he was able to keep hidden before. He also left his mom and is taking care of Bug completely on his own now. So maybe he feels extra protective of Bug and Dukie now. I agree with what Layton, Jack, and Hunter said in class about how Namond isn’t crying because of the punches. I think he’s upset because his mom yelled at him, he wasn’t able to defend himself, he can’t be like his father, and he’s scared.
    4. I think the best case scenario for both Randy and Dukie is to be adopted/fostered. Dukie isn’t living with his parents anymore and we know that Miss Anna is going to die so I think that is the most realistic thing to happen to them. I would say that the best thing to happen to Michael would be for him to go to jail but that definitely wouldn’t be best for Bug. So, I think Michael needs to become a real part of Marlo’s operation. I think he’s too far in to leave at this point so he needs the protection that comes with being associated with Marlo. I think the best thing that could happen to Namond would be for him to move away from his mom. She is forcing him into a life that he doesn’t want. I think if he could just leave her but keep going to school and getting help from Bunny, he might have a chance at a good life.

  2. In my opinion Bubbles is a very virtuous guy. He does everything in a kind manner. The Herc part doesn’t count because Herc did worse to him. Plus it’s just getting even. He hasn’t done much wrong. I think that they made him such an important role because he’s the connection between the streets and the cops. He is the person who helps the cops. I think they show his life a lot because it illustrates how someone can do nothing wrong and have the worst things happen to them.

    I think that’s very un-Paideia thing to say. I think she told him this just so she can get him out of his hands. I feel like she knows he isn’t ready to leave, but the system wants him to. I feel like she worded it in a way that would get Prez into going along with it. So it’s good advice for her, but bad for him

    I believe that Namond bullies his friends so they can think that he is tough. He tries his hardest to make himself seem hard. Michael realizes Namond isn’t anything after the Carnard scene. Namond was too scared to do anything there, but with Dukie he acts tough again. I believe that Michael was just over it and had to do something for all the times he acted like this big man. I think that’s also a reasoning towards Namond’s tears. He is done acting toughs and has just given up.

    Duquan: the best case scenario for Dukie is that he goes to high school and doesn’t perfectly fine, no worries. He figures out something with Michael. Also best if he stays out of Michaels business
    Randy: he finds a foster family that takes him in and respects him. It’s also best if he stops getting attached by people and goes back to a high school without any worries of getting hurt
    Michael: the best case scenario for Michael is that he works for Marlo, and provides for Bug and Dukie. Also, it’s best if he doesn’t kill anyone but still works for them
    Namond: I think the best case scenario for Namond is that his mom lets him back in and understands him. As much as that doesn’t seem likely, that’s the best case scenario

  3. 1. I would characterize bubbles as fatherly. He is a caretaker. He makes an honest living, and even though he takes drugs, he is responsible and takes care of Sharod. He’s also clever and knows how to run his business. I think Bubbles plays such a major role because Simon is adding to the depth of “junkies.” The stereotype of junkies is that they are dumb and can only think about drugs, but Simon uses Bubbles to prove how that is not true. Bubbles can do math, he organizes and counts his stock, he cares for Sharod, and he knows how to socially interact with people (like when he worked with Kima). He is not just a dumb junkie like the guys Bodie was selling to appeared to be.

    2. I think she is telling him that from personal experience. She has been here many years, and she has seen many kids come and go. In her experience, after they leave, the kids do not come back. She does not want Prez to get too attached to his kids because he’s going to get new ones next year. And then new ones the year after that and new ones the year after that. I think it is good advice for her to give because even if Dukie does not leave now, he would leave after the end of the year. Dukie and Prez have a very special connection, but realistically Dukie will most likely move on to eighth grade, either now or at the end of the year, and then Prez and Dukie will not talk much anymore.

    3. I think Namond bullies his friend because it brings him back to the past. At the beginning of the show Michael was different, he was innocent, and Namond wants Michael to be innocent again. He is scared that Michael has changed (because of how he beat up Kenard), and he wants the old Michael to come back. In relation to this, I think Michael reacts so violently because of how he has changed. Spending time with Chris and Snoop has hardened him. Like Sabrina said, he responds to Namond in the way that someone one the streets would: violently. Namond then cries because he knows he has lost his friend. This piles on top of his loss of his home and his mom and it seems like his entire life is falling apart.

    4. For Michael, I do not have much hope. I wish he could mentor under Cutty and lose what he has learned from Chris, but I do not think that is possible. I agree with others that Michael is too far gone, and the best thing for him would be to advance in Marlo’s group. For Randy, the best case scenario is that he gets a foster parent who is kind, will love him, and lives very far away. For Dukie, I think the best realistic example would be that he stays in middle school for one more year and continues to have Prez wash his clothes and give him food. For Namond, I would love for Bunny to adopt him and mentor him at home so he continues to progress at school. Unfortunately, I do not think that is very likely, and I hope that if he goes in to foster care, he at least gets a good parent.

  4. 1. I think that, regardless of Bubbles’ importance to the actual main story of The Wire, he is a representation of many of the character and story arcs in the show. He is trying to make something of himself after being a junkie and a criminal. He has another person to care for in Sharrod, so he must “man-up” and stay on the straight and narrow. He has his flaws, and tragedy strikes him as it does others, but his story is hopeful for the future. He gives us an up and down representation of the less fortunate in Baltimore, but I think that it is his hope and strength that kept him on as a recurring character. I find myself rooting for him whenever he is one screen.
    2. This idea is foreign to us in a school where teachers take individual interest in most all of their students. I think that in such a big school with so many kids who you can’t reach it is important to be able to make and loosen the bonds that teachers make with kids. I tis good to have a good relationship like Prez and Duquan, but a teacher is not a reliable guardian and can not be a parent. Therefore, I agree with Ms. Donnelly. I think that the reason that she tells him this is because he is a new teacher and the more experienced teachers know how to let go of students. While it is important to Prez to have a good relationship with Duquan, it is also important that he is not his guardian. He is not able to help him outside of school. Ms. Donnelly is looking out for Prez because there will be another Duquan and maybe even one that he can not help. He may break his heart repeatedly trying to help these kids who may be too far gone.
    3. Namond’s world is collapsing in on him. Bunny’s class has helped him realize that he may be able to function in the civilized world and he likes that. When the corner comes back to bite him and Kenard steals his stash it is a relief. He no longer has to be in the game, but his mom pushes him back in. Michael, however, is being drawn further and further in. First he is playing around with Kris and Snoop. Then, he beats Kenard. Then the final straw is when he beats Namond. The drug game has muddled up everyone’s lives so much that Michael and Namond’s roles have reversed. The weight of this change is on everyone. Michael’s true character is violent and emotionally distant, while Namond is kind(ish) and kind of a wimp.
    4. The best situation for the four boys is to all be alive and together having realized their need for each other. It is hard for boys to recognize the feelings that we have for our friends, and if these boys are able to recognize that then they might be able to salvage their relationships. I think it is important that they have each other. Now this is not exactly ideal, but if some traumatizing event were to bring them together again then they may be able to reconcile their problems and differences. I think that the most troubling case right now is Randy. His situation may prove to be the glue that rectifies these friendships.


  5. I think Simon cleverly used bubbles to show how unreliable the cops can be and to give a lot of character depth to someone who a lot of people might make assumptions about. We see that Bubbles is a kind and loving father figure towards Charod. He cares about his education and whether or not he is on the corner selling drugs.

    I think that what Donnelly said was correct. She is telling him it’s not a realistic idea to be able treat every kid in a situation like Duquan’s like Prez treats Duquan. As a first year teacher I don’t think he has completely grasped an idea about just how many Duquans there are out there.

    I think that Namond bullies Duquan because of how insecure he is. He feels so much pressure to be like his dad when he just is not the same person, which he expressed in this episode. Micheal’s reaction in this instance can be attributed to him starting to go down the wrong path, the path towards being the next Chris. I think beating up Namond means much less to Micheal than it does to Namond because Micheal has numbed himself. We see he doesn’t think twice about beating up a little kid. Namond is in a very hard point in his life and I think this action symbolizes him losing one of his best friends which makes Namond feel helpless.

    The best case would be that Duquan somehow got adopted by Prez, Namond’s mother got a job and was nice to him, Micheal turns back on the path he’s on before he’s gone too far, and Randy doesn’t get killed. I think that Randy will get killed, Namond will do something bad because of all the stress and pressure he’s under, Micheal will kill someone, and Duquan won’t have anything change that much.

  6. 1. I think that Bubbles is very tough, smart, vulnerable, and unlucky. I didn’t particularly connect with Bubbles’ storyline because I always felt that it didn’t truly fit with the rest of the show. However, I think his role in the show displays the different problems that happen all the way from city hall to Bubble’s shack home. Bubbles embodies the worst case scenario, which is why I said he was unlucky. Also, all the choices that the more powerful characters make, big or small, seem to always effect Bubbles in a negative way. For example, if Herc had answered his phone in the meeting The Fiend would have been arrested and Bubbles wouldn’t have had to steal the poison that killed Sharrod.
    2. I do think it is a very un-Paideia to say because if a teacher and student truly connect, they’ll have communication when the student graduates. I think she told him to not get too attached because that the way she deals with so many kids that have numerous problems; she keeps them at arm's length. I also think she’s trying to make him see that he can help many other kids if he doesn’t keep his focus on just one of them. Prez is a very stubborn person in general, and so far he hasn’t really listened to the vice principal so he probably won’t start now. Prez has really come to care about his kids and I think that is what is making him a better teacher.
    3. I think Namond wants to feel superior to someone because of the way his mother makes him feel inferior. Duquan is the perfect person because Namond knows that he won’t fight back due his own personal insecurities. I also agree a little what Jack was saying in class today about the teasing coming from a place of normality rather than cruelty. I think Micheal realizes who his true friends are and Duquan is one of them, and Micheal seems very ride or die for his friends. I also believe that Micheal thinks that Namond gets away with too many things, so in a way, I felt that Micheal was trying to put Namond back in his place. I think Namond was crying because he realizes that he can never be the “man” his mother wants him to be. Also, he knows that Micheal is becoming that “man,” and I think he’s known that since the day Micheal stood up to Marlo.
    4. Best case scenario for Randy is that his foster mother is able to recover from her burns, Randy can stay at school, and people no longer think he’s a snitch. Realistically I think Randy is going to have to go to a different foster home away from his friends and start over. Best case for Namond is that his mom lets him stop being a corner boy, and he gets to stay in the class with Bunny. Realistically I think Bunny will help him not be a corner boy, but Namond will lose respect in his neighborhood. Best case for Micheal is that he gets out from under Chris’ wing. Realistically, I think Micheal is just going to turn into the next Chris or just end up dead somewhere. Best case for Duquan is that Prez fosters him and allows him to stay in eighth grade where I think he belongs. Realistically, Dookie is moved to ninth grade and has to learn to fend for himself while also living with his problematic family.

  7. 1. As we’ve watched the season, I have enjoyed learning more about Bubbles. He is another one of the characters who disproves stereotypes- yes, he uses drugs, but he is more than that. He is very smart, an entrepreneur, a friend to the police, a protector for Sherrod, among other traits. One of the scenes that stuck out to me the most was when Bubbles set up Herc after he failed to help Bubbles with The Fiend. Two can play the game. Though I didn’t like that the minister was roughed up by Herc, I was glad that Bubbles made Herc pay for his broken promises. I also really appreciated all of the scenes between Sherrod and Bubbles, because this show does not often present relationships that consist of kindness and respect. Bubbles tries to keep Sherrod from the corner, and spends days looking for him when Sherrod doesn’t return. He wants Sherrod to attend school and succeed. Because of all these times when Bubbles put those around him first, I would describe him as selfless. He’s not perfect, but no one really is. Bubbles sacrificed himself for Sherrod’s well being, offering him a home even when Sherrod got pulled onto a corner. I think that Bubbles is on “The Wire” because he is a character who isn’t afraid to feel love and pain, loyalty and generosity. Not that some of the other character’s don’t have these traits, but Bubbles really stands out to me. Chris and Snoop kill people just because they’re not from Baltimore, yet Bubbles took beatings from The Fiend for months before taking matters into his own hands. Carcetti easily gives up when times get hard, yet Bubbles never stop believing that Sherrod would learn something at the school. Bubbles’ life is really hard- he lives in an abandoned building, no one protects him, and he is dependent on drug intakes, but he never once complains about himself. And yes, his storyline has little relation to the storylines of other major characters, but he is by no means a background character. Bubbles is a virtuous character; he does not harm others, yet he is targeted and used by people for their advancement only. Each time he picks himself back up, he is pushed over once again. Bubble’s character presents one of the tragedies of “The Wire:” bad things happen to good people.

    2. Most definitely, I would agree that this is a very un-Paideia idea. But in terms of whether or not this advice is good or bad, I’m not sure. Donnelly seems very no-nonsense, and though this could be because she just wants the day to pass by with no problems, I think it is because she does care for the students. After all, she defended Bunny’s class. But I believe that she differs from Prez in the sense that he can connect with his students, whereas she has to help run a school. She has to follow the rules, and the rules say that Dukie should move up to high school. I understand her reasoning that more kids will need to be taught, and that if Dukie leaves, one more chair will be available. And I’m sure that many other students will be intelligent and kind, as Dukie is, but I wouldn’t say that her advice is good. Here is a teacher who cares for his student, and a student who wants to learn from his teacher, so why split them apart?

  8. 3. I think that Namond is trying to get a rise out of Michael, as many people said in class. Cutty and Carver recognize this as well. I wouldn’t ever condone Namond harassing Dukie, but I don’t think that Namond really wanted to actually involve Duquan. Namond purposely used the language that Kenard had used with him, and even looks at Michael to ensure he is listening as well. Namond obviously hadn’t wanted Michael to beat up Kenard, and he hadn’t expected it either. Michael has decided to surround himself with Chris and Snoop, not his old friends, and I think Namond is trying to find out where Michael’s loyalties now lie. And I think Michael responded so violently because this is the world he is a part of now. The episode starts out with Michael practicing how to shoot someone. He is now immersed in this world of violence, a world where someone is physically punished- even if they have not done wrong. It is important, I believe, to point out that Michael wasn’t trying to really hurt Namond. He’s not even punching him- this reminded me of the latter scene where Michael allows Cutty to be shot, but not killed. Because of this, Namond’s tears aren’t at all because he is hurt. I’d conclude that Namond is just shocked that his whole world changed in only a few days. His friend beat up a child, seemingly without much remorse, and his mother’s expectations that he will follow his father’s footsteps have come to a breaking point. He has nowhere to go and no one to turn to, so I don’t blame him for his tears. I’m not sure that he wanted Cutty’s pity. We’ve only ever seen Namond actually look hurt one or two times this whole season, so to see him break down in front of a gym full of boys his age must mean he’s genuinely upset. Yes, maybe he doesn’t have a real reason to cry, in comparison to his friends’ struggles. However, you have to remember that Namond lives a paradox of a life- he is fairly sheltered by his mother, but De’Londa also expects him to be the man his father is. He is under an intense amount of pressure, so when Namond’s world comes crashing down around him, I totally sympathize with his tears.

  9. 4. I’d guess the best case scenario for Randy, Dukie, Namond, and Michael would be returning back to those innocent, worry-free boys of the first episode. But many of these boys’ problems extend back further, so I’m not sure there’s even a place to start for their “happy ending.” One has to hope, then, that in the future, these boys can achieve all they want for their life. However, in reality, the tragic truth is that these kids probably won’t get everything they want. We’ve already seen Randy struggle with guilt and then targeted and left without Miss Anna, Namond abandoned without a home or a mother, Dukie forced to leave his class and Prez behind, and Michael getting sucked into the world of Marlo Stanfield. Horribly, this may not even be rock bottom for each of these boys. And I’m not sure where Namond, Michael, Randy, and Dukie will stand in the future. Realistically speaking, I’d hope the following for each of the boys:
    -Randy: I’m sure that Randy will be placed in another foster home, but whether or not he will be treated as well as he deserves is not finite. Yes, he was placed with Miss Anna, so there is hope for him to find another family who respects and protects him, but with the lack of sincerity in the American foster care system, I’m not sure this is guaranteed for Randy. However, I do believe that he will one day be the owner of his own business. He looks utterly destroyed at the end of the episode, but I think that his smart, creative brain will push him through. Randy has survived this far without the bravado that Namond or Michael has, so I’m sure he will be able to survive his future as well.
    -Dukie: Dukie reminds me a bit of Randy, as they are both not as experienced with the street as the other boys are. But where Randy has not yet been awoken to the cruelty of the real world, Dukie seems to have lived with this himself for quite some time. As Dukie’s parents take no interest in their son, he’s raised himself. Dukie’s maturity and experience will no doubt open doors for him. I’m not sure there’s a problem Dukie couldn’t solve or handle, so I have less fear for him in his future. I’m sure that with his intelligence and persearevence, he could easily be admitted to a college or job of his choice.
    -Namond: Namond’s future confuses me the most. I’m not exactly sure what to think of Namond now, but I am glad that he’s been able to finally express who he wants to be, not who others want him to be. He doesn’t seem to want to follow his father’s footsteps, and we see how smart and focused he is on his interests in Bunny’s class. I really hope that he doesn’t go back to the corner, and I honestly believe he won’t. Where he’ll end up, instead, though, I’m just not sure. He can’t go back to his mom, so he is now without a home or family. Like the other boys, though, I think his strong virtues will carry him far.
    -Michael: Though so badly I hope that Michael will get out of Marlo’s organization, I’m just not sure that he can. So terrible as it is to say this, I just hope Michael survives the ordeal with his life and others lives intact. Though he is learning how to use violence with Chris and Snoop, he still holds back with Namond and Cutty, not wanting them to be severely injured. I believe that the pride and self-reliance that we see in Michael when he refuses the money will protect him in the future.

  10. 1. I think I would describe Bubbles as a man who has a desire to be love and be loved. It’s clear throughout the show; he is much happier when Sharod is around and seems depressed when he’s by himself. So far, everything David Simon has included in the show has a purpose for its presence. I think David Simon is a very smart man and would not have Bubbles as a main character for no reason. Like many have said, I think one of Bubbles’ purposes in the show is to be a character that is truly a good person. I wish I had a better word to describe him, but I think ‘good’ fits the best considering how each character is presented. Aside from Dukie and Bubbles, every character in the show has a dark side - either in their past or their present - and has a certain level of negative complexity. While Dukie and Bubbles have complexity, I haven’t seen either of them commit truly bad acts yet. Like Daniel said, I think Bubbles proves that in Baltimore, bad things even happen to the best of people. We see this same situation for Dukie. He hasn’t done anything bad to anyone, but life continues to shit on him (for a lack of better words). In both of these characters, perseverance is displayed. While almost everyone in the show displays a certain level of perseverance, Dukie and Bubbles display it the most - Dukie at more of a young age and Bubbles at an older age. What’s interesting to me, however, is how closely related to drug use both of them are. It could be that David Simon is trying to make the connection between drug use and perseverance, both for family members of users and for users themselves.
    2. I think that this is good advice. Since this is Prez’s first year teaching, it’s his first year being fully exposed to the children of Baltimore. While it’s a lot to take on, it’s clear that he’s formed bonds with a few of the children, one of them obviously being Dukie. However, there are millions of struggling children in Baltimore, so it’s likely that he’ll have a Dukie in his class every year. I understand how hard it must be to have Dukie move onto the next grade, as it will never again will be the way it is right now. Yet, he has to learn to move on and prepare for the next round of children that need him as a mentor and as a friend. Many, many students living lives similar to Dukie’s need him just as Dukie does now.

  11. 3. I think Namond bullies Dukie because he wants a reaction out of Michael. Like we said in class today, as soon as Namond walks in and is ignored by Michael, he starts making fun of Dukie because he knows it was will piss off Michael, and he is testing how far he can push him before he loses it. I think that Michael reacts so violently because he’s already mad at Namond for not taking the money from Kenard, and he resorts to violence a lot easier than he used to. Following the return of his stepfather, it was clear that Michael had changed. Michael has begun to communicate more with his fists than his words. I think that the old Michael would have said something to Namond before taking physical action, but the new Michael doesn’t hesitate beating up one of his best friends.
    4. The best case for Duquan is that Prez adopts him and he stays in eighth grade for the rest of the school year. The realistic best case scenario for Dukie is that he goes to ninth grade but still goes to Prez in the morning, and he continues living with Michael but walks by himself to school. The best case for Randy is that Miss Anna slowly recovers and his snitch reputation dies down enough for him to be able to go back to school. The realistic best case scenario for Randy is that he’s able to find a new foster parent that treats him well, and he is able to make friends at the new school he’ll be attending. The best case for Michael is that he dissociates himself with Marlo and his crew and rekindles his relationship with Cutty. The realistic best case scenario for Michael is that he forms a bond with Chris enough for him to be safe and not get killed. The best case for Namond is that Bunny adopts him and he stops dealing drugs. The realistic best case scenario for Namond is that his mom takes him back in and he is able to continue to sell drugs but not have to use violence to enforce authority.


  12. I think bubbles is very genuine and has the best intentions. I think he is in the show to keep us from judging a person based on one characteristic about them. Yes, bubbles is a drug addict, but we see him in much more positive lights as well. He genuinely cares and takes care of Sharad as one of his own. He runs his own business as a way of income instead of the other ways we see most people making money such as drug dealing or murder. We see him call out for help from the police and not fight back even when beaten. Bubbles is painted in a very likeable and trustable manner.

    She tells him this as she sees he is getting too involved in certain students lives and getting too attached. I think she is right in the sense that there are tons of other kids that need his help and putting all his efforts into Duquan is not reaching the number of kids he could be if he broadened his focus. While I think her advice is true, it is hard to say that Prez caring so much for these students lives is a bad thing. I think this caring and committed nature Prez has towards Duquan should be kept but he can’t pick a favorite to care for so obviously.

    s bullying his friend because he just had this huge altercation with his friend and is feeling the sense that he isn't good enough. I think he starts lashing out because of the anger he feels for not being more like his father or Michael. Michael reacts so violently because he has this special connection to Duquan and because of the reference Naymond makes to the night before by saying “gump” to Duquan. I think all in all Naymond cries after Michael hits him because he is hit by the fact that Michael is stronger and braver than him and his mom wishes he was more like Michael.

    I would hope that Duquan, Micheal, and Bug would live together and stay in school. Hopefully, Micheal would inch his way out of becoming Marlo’s next hitman in the making although that seems like a likely future for him. I hope that Randy finds a new foster family and stays in school as well. I hope that Namond takes Bunny as some type of role model and follows in his footsteps (AKA not meeting his prediction of dying within ten years.) I would also hope he comes to some sort of understanding with his mom and she finally realizes he isnt his father and she needs to take some responsibility.

  13. 1. I think Bubbles is shown so much because we keep seeing other people his age like Marlo, Bodie, Chris, ect. and we see them as the boys future, or jail, or dead. But Bubbles’ life is also a possibility for the boys. Bubbles is also shown because although he has a terrible life, he is still nice and caring. He takes back Shivrad after he had abandoned Bubbles, and early Bubbles tries to help him get an education. So many others if in Bubbles’ position would not be so generous or even happy.
    2. I think that Donnelly is giving this advice from experience, she has been working at this school for awhile. She knows that there are so many innocent, hard-working, and kind kids with terrible home lives just like Duquan. All of these kids deserve better
    3. I think that because Namond was always the one who picked on Duquan and he is no longer in their class, he doesn’t realize that Duquan is now being treated fairly with Namond there less. I think Michael was teaching Namond a bit of a lesson to back up his actions, instead of just talking a big game, but Michael has changed so much to now be such a violent person.
    4. Duquan's best case scenario would be getting adopted by Prez, and not moving up to high school yet. Randy’s best case scenario would be getting put into foster care with another great person to take care of him, and inheriting all of his foster mom’s money so he can one day open a store. Michael’s best case scenario would be Marlo getting caught/killed and Snoop and Chris to go the same way or for them to leave Baltimore. I think if Chris and Marlo are both gone, Michael will be able to get out of the game. Right now Michael is in too deep, and would be hurt/killed if he tried to leave. Currently, Michael still wants to be a part of Marlo’s group, but if something happens to Marlo and Snoop, Michael will see the error of his ways and go back to who he used to be. I also want Michael and his brother, Bug to have somewhere safe to live, I wish he could make up with Cutty and they could live with him after going back to the person he was before his father came back. Namond’s best case scenario would be getting adopted by Bunny, so he is away from the corner and his mom. All of these situations are almost impossible, but I wish all of this could happen.

  14. If I were to choose a word to characterize Bubbles, I would choose the word resilient, because of his ability to take hits from the people that steal from his depot, and still get up and work every single day. In my opinion, Bubbles plays a big role in the show as representing someone who makes the best of their life, despite their current situation; along with Duquan. Bubbles’ character and resilience explains why Simon put him in such a central role and gives an example to the viewers of the wire of a person struggling despite of their success and bright past, and what effect drugs have on one's appearance, life and situation.
    I believe that Donnelly also told Prez to let Duquan go and graduate Middle School to improve the number of Middle School graduates that Tilghman produces, resulting in the school look better to the board and city. In my opinion, this advice by Donnelly is mostly false and should be pretty much ignored by Pryzbylewski. Prez is doing a good thing by taking care of Duquan as he were his son, because he needs it. Prez although, will have to eventually let Duquan graduate by the end of the year, but I feel like it is good practice of Prez to care for Duquan until he no longer can.
    In this scene, Namond begins to bully Duquan to get a reaction out of Michael. Namond knows Michael cares for Duquan and knows of the aggressive person that Michael has become, therefore Namond bullies Duquan to test if Michael will react aggressively towards even his friends. This turns out to be correct and Namond becomes upset that Michael turned his back on even him to pursue a life of aggression and murder. In this case, the quote that Michael’s blows are “disconnected from Namond’s tears” is correct.
    The best case scenario for Randy would be that his mother survives his house being torched and he gets to live with her, under full, consistent witness protection still being able to finish the year at Tilghman with his friends. However, this scenario is very unlikely because of the amount of damage that was done to Randy’s mother taking place while healthcare in Baltimore for the lower class is not very prominent, resulting in Randy being taken in by another family or put up for adoption by social services. Duquan, however has things going slightly better for him compared to Randy. The best case scenario for Duquan is that he will continue 8th grade at Tilghman living with Prez where he gets clean clothes and is able to live in better conditions than his previous ones. But, realistically Duquan will most likely be moved up to Highschool and be forced to live with Michael and his brother until he can afford his own place. Hopefully, if Michael is able to cut his ties with Stanfield and Chris, he will be able to live with his mother and younger brother without his father complicating things. Although, Michael will realistically become a hitman for Stanfield like Chris and Snoop or end up dealing drugs again for Boadie. Namond by far has the most unpredictable scenario out of the boys. If Namond is taken back in by De’Londa (being his best case scenario) he will most likely be forced by his mother to deal drugs for Bodie as we’ve seen him doing before, or become a competitor to Bodie and Stanfield in the drug trade. Realistically, Namond will most likely live on his own and support himself by dealing drugs, or end up in baby bookings as told by De’Londa.

  15. 1. I think Bubbles is a character who could’ve had a lot of potential to be successful (hard to define exactly what that means) but got trapped by the cycle of drug use and poverty and homelessness. I remember a moment from season one where McNulty asks Bubbles something along the lines of “you’re so smart. I don’t get why your life is like this” and if I remember correctly, the answer was something along the lines of “drugs.” I think Bubbles is included in the show because he is at the bottom rung in society, and this show aims to tell the story of an American city from as many different perspectives as possible and from as many different levels of society as possible. Also, Bubbles’ drug addiction and general situation in life is very tragic especially given how likable he is, and this shows the horrible effects that drug dealing has on the community. Even though this show often allows us to have compassion for characters who sell drugs, which I think is a great thing that the show does, Bubbles’ character also shows us how these drug dealers are making money by taking advantage of vulnerable people’s addiction. One of the most memorable parts of the show for me was from season one or two when Bubbles was really trying to get clean and ended up just not being able to do it. Also, the way Bubbles is treated just shows the cruelty of the world we live in.

    2. I feel like for Prez this is good advice because if he wants to hold onto his mental sanity, he can’t possibly get emotionally attached to all his students because there are just so many kids with similar situations to Duquan that he will encounter at this school, and there are so many more kids with such intense problems that he has no clue about. It also might be advice that could help the kids as well because maybe it is best that Prez just be a good enough teacher for all students rather than giving all his energy to helping just one kid individually. However, even if this might be true, it just feels like kids like Duquan so badly need someone else to be something of a parental figure that is feels so cruel for Prez to not be fully there for them.

    3. I think Namond bullies Duquan because it makes him feel powerful, when in reality, he feels so powerless. I think Michael reacts so violently because he feels a strong need to help the underdog, but the only way he know how to at this point is through using violence. I think Namond is crying because he knows he is not as tough as Michael and he knows he is not the man his father was that his mom wants him to be.

    4. Best case scenario for all of them would be if they could somehow stay in school, disconnect from a life of drug dealing, find a stable, loving home life, which I think would mean adoption for all of them, and remain supportive friends for one another.

  16. I think that Bubbles was written into the show not to really necessarily play a critical role in the main plot but to instead give another perspective of the city. Bubbles I think this is especially important to get a full view of the city that Simon is trying to show his audience. I think Donnelly is mistaken as I think Prez is merely trying to help a kid that he sees has a severe problem. I also believe that Prez just thinks that Duquan needs to advance with his friends and that being shoved ahead will not help him so overall this is terrible advice in my opinion. I believe that Namond bullies Duquan as it gives him power over an individual this probably in my mind is because Namond at realises he is not his father but feels like he has to become him anyway. I think that Michael steps in not because he hasn't seen Namond do this before as he clearly has but never stepped in before but rather I think that Michael is annoyed with people disrespecting people he is friends with. I think this is true as Michael beats up Canard when the Michael at the beginning of the season wouldn't do that. I think Namond is crying about his situation as a whole, how his mother is horrible, how he doesn't want to become his father and how seemingly his friend has turned into something else. I think Randy's best scenario is that he gets moved into another school and his mother somehow recovers from her injuries though what's more likely is he hopefully gets paired with someone else who is nice to him. the best case scenario for Duquan is he stays in 8th grade and lives with Michael and now can keep his school supplies. Best case for Namond is he gets moved away from his mother and lives with someone who allows him to get off the street and hopefully he also gets put back into a normal class and does well in school. Michael's best case scenario is that Marlo gets arrested but Michael doesn't as there is no evidence against him.(I thought I had submitted this yesterday but I must have forgotten)

  17. While the people we see in West Baltimore have their struggles and I like how we can understand their lives and choices, I think Bubbles is another level. You say that his life is barely above the level of those three junkies we saw buying from Bodie. This is probably true. While that means that Bubbles has a rough life and is damaged, I think it is still important for the show to show a character like him. One of the reasons I like The Wire is because it represents many types of people in a complete and honest way. We see Baltimore in its entirety, and we can relate to and understand every character. If Bubbles is truly the lowest in Baltimore, with the hardest life of all, that’s even more of a reason that the show should have a character like him.
    I think Donnelly has been doing this long enough to know that Prez can’t emotionally attach himself to every child, or help each one that is in need. While I wish that it wasn’t necessary for Prez to detach himself, I think it is. Prez will realize this as he has more students. Year after year there are going to be children that are in need like Duquan and that are damaged like the girl that cut the other girl’s face. While helping Duquan was a good thing to do and I don’t blame Prez at all, he has to come to terms with the fact that he can’t help all of these children.
    I’m not sure why Namond bullies Duquan. Maybe it is because he is
    Best case scenario for Namond is either his mother having a change of heart and provide for them herself. This is unlikely, so the other best scenario for Namond would be if Bunny took him in, and he could work on school and hopefully break the cycle of drug dealing. Best case scenario for Randy is he gets taken in by Carver, or has his home life work out better than having to go to a group home. Also, people either forget or don’t care anymore about him being a snitch. Michael’s best case scenario is tough. He has a house for him and Bug and is making money, so that shouldn’t change. However, the way he is making a living is very dangerous and will probably end in jail or death. Best case could be that he gets out of drug dealing and is still financially ok, but this is probably impossible. So the realistic best case scenario for Michael is that he keeps drug dealing and stays with Marlo, but doesn’t get arrested or killed.

  18. 1. Bubbles has many dimensions as a character. His drug addiction is not all of his personality. He was a father figure toward Sharrad and took him under his wing. He runs his own mobile store, and is a nice person in general. His situation can be seen as another outcome to living in Baltimore. He is a constant reminder that the drug trade doesn’t just affect the people in it. Though his story isn’t as relevant to the plot, Bubbles still pays the consequences of other characters mistakes. You see this especially with Herc. In this way, and other small ones Bubbles is connected to it all.
    2. Her advice makes sense for the situation. Though Dukie and Prez have formed a special bond, if he doesn’t move on to 9th grade now he will at the end of the year. There are also many kids like Dukie that Prez will meet, and hopefully keep an eye on. While it makes sense not to get to attached, Prez’s connections with the kids made teaching easier and more fun.
    3. I think Namond starts bullying Duquan because that’s the way things have always been, and he wants it to stay that way. Not necessarily bullying Duquan, but his friend group. I think he senses the shift and he doesn’t like the change. This could also be his way of acting out. His world is collapsing and he doesn’t know what to do anymore, so he goes to what he knows.
    4. For Duquan, I think he will most likely move up to the 9th grade but hopefully keeps his relationship with Prez. I want him to get a nice foster parent, but more realistically I hope things work out well living with Michael and Bug. For Randy, I also hope he has a new foster parent that cares about him the way Ms. Anna did. Best case scenario his new home is further away and he goes to a new school where he is unaffected by Marlo. Michael seems to be in too deep with Marlo’s people to safely leave, so I hope he secures his spot and keeps a close relationship with Chris so that he is protected. Hopefully he will be safe and also provide for Bug. I want Namond to be fostered/ adopted by Bunny. I love their relationship and it would keep Namond out of the drug game. However this is unlikely so I hope that Namond can return home and try and stay safe.


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